Monday, February 22, 2010

Chatroulette Test Drive

Logging into Facebook is as comforting as finding a neighborhood bar to call your own. Its where you go when you want everyone to know your name, where you work, what you ate for breakfast and what you think will happen tonight on Lost.

But the hard truth is, even with 500+ friends Facebook can start to feel claustophobic. Between checking out an exes vacation picture to hearing that your boss just burnt a batch of meatballs there is no way to compartmentalize your work, social and dating lives. Enter Chatroulette, an exotic outlier, created by a Russian teenager, where you use webcams to talk to an endless stream of anonymous strangers. If you aren't into the person you simply hit the next button. Think Missed Connections meets Let's Make a Deal (but in most cases you really don't want to). The good news is, here no one cares where you went to college. The bad news is 1 out of 3 potential chat partners have their balls out.

My Chat Roulette session was short lived but included two red-neck guys saying I was "kind of" hot, one young European girl who looked eerily like me and finally one bloated man laying in bed with a white t-shirt on and nothing else asking me "what's for dinner?" If Facebook is your neighborhood bar this place is like a creepy club where someone trys to slip you ruffies.


  1. Well, what is for dinner?

  2. i tried this and within 30 seconds I was looking at a guy's schlong being jacked off...thank you, interwebs!

  3. A little schlong never hurt any one. Was it at least big?
