Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hit or Missed Connections

It was only a matter of time until craigslist's missed connections, aka "I didn't have the balls to hit on you on the F train, but now I want to show you the F train between my legs" launched a reality TV series. LA Weekly reports that Brownstone Entertainment, in association with craigslist, is casting a new web-series featuring the stories of real craigslist postings with a focus on love, marriage, soulmates and missed connections.

Reading this article gave me a chill because long before the craigslist killer I had a creepy missed connection on craigslist. Rewind to about a year and a half ago my coffee order got mixed up with that of a handsome gent at the Starbucks on 28th and Park and he decided to pay for mine since it was technically his anyway. Feeling overly optimistic about this counter encounter, and egged on by a friend who was convinced that we may be in a Nora Ephron comedy featuring two PR girls that fumble their way through dating in NYC, I wrote a missed connection post. Within 12 hours I was confronted with a sketchy response from this dude saying that he would pay for much more than my morning beverage. Talk about a latte moving parts! He also informed me that I set up my anonymous profile not so annonymously and that I was lucky he was not a maniac because he figured out my email and within seconds had photos of me and a link to my Facebook page. Oy, potential connectors beware of missedbehaving.

I wonder if the site will be doing any integrations on "To Catch a Predator?"

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! 1. I REMEMBER THIS and 2. Remember when I blogged about what should be the website www.DidIZYou.com because of Missed Connections? Why don't I jump at things when I first think of them?!

    I miss you!!! Following your blog and proud of you!!!

